


文件編號:PU-PIMS-D-0109-20220524                              文件名稱靜宜大學個人資料提供同意書




Consent to Provide Personal Information

紀錄編號(NO.)101B020220530001             (單位代碼5碼-西元歸檔日8碼-流水碼數字3碼)


According to the Personal Information Protection Act, Providence University (hereinafter as PU) issues its statement of personal information protection and collection agreement to notify you of your responsibilities and rights and solicit your consent to the collection, processing and use of your personal information by PU.

Your signature below indicates that you have read, understood and accepted the contents set forth in this agreement.

一、基本資料之蒐集、更新:Collection, Update, and Keeping of Personal Information

  1. 本校蒐集您的個人資料在中華民國「個人資料保護法」(以下簡稱個資法)與相關法令之規範下,蒐集、處理及利用或傳輸您的個人資料。

PU will collect, process, and use your personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and Providence University's (PU) Privacy Policy and other relevant laws and regulations.

    1. 請於填寫個人資料時提供您本人正確且最新及完整的個人資料。

Please provide your correct, up-to-date, and complete personal information in the application.

    1. 本校因執行校務需蒐集您的個人資料包括姓名、身分證字號(居留證號)、出生日期、聯絡方式(電話及行動電話、E-Mail、戶籍及通訊地址)及其他請參考網址https://pims.pu.edu.tw

Your personal information that PU collects during the course of business may include your name, ID/ARC card number, date of birth, contact information (telephone/mobile number, e-mail, and mailing address) and others (subject to change as needed) See https://pims.pu.edu.tw

    1. 若您個人資料有任何異動,請即時向本校申請更正,使其保持正確、最新及完整。

To ensure the correctness, accuracy, and completeness of your personal Information, please report to PU any changes in your personal Information.

    1. 若您提供錯誤、不實、過時或不完整或具誤導性資料,您將失相關權益。

Your rights and/or interests may be jeopardized if you provide PU with false, untrue, outdated, partial, or misleading personal Information.

二、蒐集個人資料之目的:Purposes of Collecting Personal Information


PU will collect your personal information to meet the needs of educational administrationThe purposes are in order to processSee https://pims.pu.edu.tw.

三、個人資料利用期間、地區、對象及方式:The duration, location, target subjects, and method of use of personal information

  1. 期間:本校因執行教學、行政相關業務所必須之保存期限。

DurationThe duration needed for the use of personal information at PU.

  1. 地區:本校處理相關事務之地區

LocationThe area where PU handles related matters.

  1. 對象:本校全體教職員工及學生或校外人士(相關委外合作廠商)

SubjectsFor all faculty, staff, and students as well as business associates.

  1. 方式:本校執行教育行政校務所需將以紙本、電子或其他適當方式利用您的個人資料。

MethodThe use of personal information may be made via print or electronic media (e.g. Internet), or other appropriate manners.

請參考網址https://pims.pu.edu.twSee https://pims.pu.edu.tw

四、您可依個資法,就您的個人資料行使以下權利In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, you may exercise the following rights in regards to your personal Information:



(i) inquire into or review your personal Information; (ii) request duplicates of your personal Information; (iii) request addition or correction to your personal Information; (iv) request an end to the collection, processing, and use of your personal Information; and (v) request a deletion of your personal Information.

   Please contact the related window for further information. See https://pims.pu.edu.tw






PU may refuse your request(s) in order to perform its duties or conduct its business. If you would like to exercise the aforementioned rights, please refer to PU's Privacy Policy to find out PU's liaison in charge of personal information protection. PU will not compensate any loss or damage you may sustain from the exercise of such rights.


You may refuse to provide your personal Information, but you may lose your rights and/or interests accordingly.

六、同意書之效力:Effect of Consent


PU may use your personal information in Taiwan commencing from the date of the submission of your information.


This Consent shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this Consent shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China.


I have reviewed and I accept the terms of this Consent.


If you are underage, you cannot use the service until your legal guardian has reviewed and understood and agreed to the terms of this Consent and its amendments. Nevertheless, you will be deemed to have obtained your legal guardian's consent if you choose to agree and comply with the terms.


  Legal guardian has reviewed and accepts the terms of this Consent.



